Thursday, July 12, 2012

Baby food - Apple Puree

Someone have shared with me some recipe for baby foods. Just share with all of u here.
Have a try on the recipe below.

嬰幼兒營養食譜 - 蘋果茸 (適合4-8個月嬰兒)


1. 先將蘋洗淨去芯,待用。

2. 把蘋果放入沸水煲至軟身。

3. 用刀起肉。

4. 用木棍(烹飪專用研磨碗和木棍)壓爛至茸狀即可。

Bubur Apel ( cocok untuk bayi usia 4-8 bulan)


1. cuci bersih buah apel, buang bijinya,

2. masukkan apel kedalam air mendidih rebus sampai lembek

3. gunakan pisau utk mengupas daging apel yg telah direbus

4. gunakan ulek-ulek ( kayu khusus utk mengulek) sampai hancur menjadi bubur

Apple Purée (suitable for 4-8 months baby)


1. Wash the apple thoroughly and remove the core. Leave for later use.

2. Cook the apple in boiling water until soft.

3. Scoop out the flesh with a knife.

4. Mash with a wooden stick (use wooden stick & bowl especially designed for mashing food).

For myself, i start cooking baby foods for my baby since 5 months old. Kindly get advice from your doctor before feeding baby any solid foods.

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