Friday, August 24, 2012

Baby food - Cheese and Potato Puree

嬰幼兒營養食譜 - 芝士薯茸 (適合4-8個月嬰兒)


• 薯仔1個

• 嬰兒芝士1粒


1. 先將薯仔去皮切粒,待用。

2. 水滾後,將薯仔放入煲至腍。另外,也可以隔水蒸薯仔至腍身。

3. 用牙籤可以插入薯仔,即代表夠腍。用匙壓成茸狀,再放上芝士粒,讓薯仔的熱力令芝士溶化,即可食用。

Bubur kentang dan keju (cocok untuk bayi usia 4-8 bulan)

Bahan : 1 bh kentang dan 1 biji keju untuk anak kecil


1. kupas kentang dan diiris dadu

2. rebus sampai lembek kentang yg telah diiris dadu, selain itu boleh juga distim sampai lembek

3. gunakan tusuk gigi utk mengetahui kentangnya cukup lembek, gunakan sendok utk mengulek hingga halus, kemudian masukkan keju, tunggu keju meleleh, siap untuk disajikan.

Baby & Kid Recipe - Cheese and Potato Purée (suitable for 4-8 months baby)


• 1 potato

• 1 baby cheese cube


1. Unpeel potato and chop into dices. Leave for later use.

2. When water boils, put in potato and cook until soft. Or steam potato over water until tender.

3. The potato is soft enough if it can be inserted into by toothpick. Mash with spoon to a purée. Add cheese and let it be melted by heat of potato. Serve.

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