Friday, August 3, 2012

Baby food - Sweet Corn Puree

嬰幼兒營養食譜 - 粟米茸 (適合6-8個月嬰兒)


1. 先將粟米切成段,放入沸水煮45分鐘左右,直至粟米完全腍身。

2. 取出粟米粒,然後放入攪拌機攪成茸狀,才可令質感細滑。

Bubur Jagung (cocok untuk bayi usia 4-8 bulan)

1. Potong jagung menjadi beberapa bagian, rebus selama 45 menit, sampai jagungnya lembek

2. Kupas jagung yg telah direbus, masukkan kedalam blender, blenderlah sampai hancur menjadi bubur sehingga terasa lembut dan licin

Baby & Kid Recipe - Sweet Corn Purée (suitable for 4-8 months baby)


1. Cut the sweet corn into portions and cook for 45 minutes in boiling water until soft and tender.

2. Removed kernels from cob. Blend the sweet corn to purée to make it smooth and runny.

*Reminder, kindly consult your pediatrician before feeding baby any solid food.

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