Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Baby & Kid Recipe - Stewed Egg with Milk

嬰幼兒營養食譜 - 牛奶燉蛋 (適合4-8個月嬰兒)

  • 雞蛋黃2 (1歲後才用全蛋)
  • 4湯匙 (配方奶粉或母乳)
  1. 先將雞蛋黃攪拌,並注入奶再拌勻,倒入小碗內。
  2. 水滾後,牛奶蛋放入,以文火蒸。
  3. 想燉蛋口感滑如布丁,可反轉一隻碟,蓋在碗上,再蓋煲蓋,蒸上15分鐘即可成美味燉蛋。

Stim telur dengan susu (cocok untuk bayi usia 4-8 bulan)

Bahan: 2 biji kuning telur (kalau bayi usia 1 tahun boleh menggunakan 1 biji telur)

        4 sendok makan susu (susu bubuk atau ASI)


1.       Kocok kuning telur, kemudian masukkan susu diaduk sampai merata, tuang kedalam mangkok kecil

2.       Kalau air telah mendidih, stim susu dan telur distim dengan api kecil

3.       kalau ingin stim telurnya rasanya seperta pudding, boleh dengan cara satu mangkok dibalik, kemudian mangkok yg berisi telur dan susu ditutupin dgn mangkok lagi, distim selama 15 menit

Baby & Kid Recipe - Stewed Egg with Milk (suitable for 4-8 months baby)

  • 2 egg yolks (use the whole egg when baby is 1 year old)
  • 4 tablespoons milk (formula or breast milk)


  1. Beat the egg and stir in milk. Pour them into a small bowl.
  2. Add egg and milk mixture when water boils. Steam over low heat.
  3. Want the texture of stewed egg as smooth as pudding? Cover the bowl with a turned over dish and cover the pot when steaming. No matter how long the egg is steamed. It will still be smooth. Steam for 15 minutes and it will become palatable.

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